Free University of Hawaii Employment Application Form | PDF | WORD

Any individual who wishes to apply for a job in the University of Hawaii for technical and professional positions can fill this form and submit it to the human resources department of the same. The form needs to be filled in a particular format explained below and needs to be submitted along with an updated resume.


The form should contain the position title and position number you are applying for along with the full and legal name (Last, first, middle), complete address with the zip code, home and business number and email address. In the next section, the employment status with the University of Hawaii should be confirmed compiling of department, college, official position title, campus phone number, present or last appointment period (if applicable), FTE and BU.

This section needs to be checked if you are exercising your rights to employment in accordance with article 10, BU 8 collective bargaining agreement. After that the document needs to be signed and dated below the declaration stating Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Information and Clery Act. In the end of the document a format is also suggested in which the resume should be presented which should include, the personal details, the work history or the current and past employment details, educational qualifications, relevant experience, etc.

University of Hawaii Employment Application Form

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