Free Arizona Lead Based Disclosure Form | PDF | WORD

The following document is an Arizona and lead based disclosure form, it is used to make a disclosure regarding any lead based paint that apply to any property that is to be rented or leased. Housing that was built before 1978 can contain lead based paint and since laid is considered a health hazard if not taken care of properly and lead exposure is harmful to young children and pregnant women landlords that on any property that was built before 1978 must make a complete disclosure of the presence of any known lead based paint or any the lead based paint hazards in the dwelling.

What the landlord must fill in this Arizona Lead Based Disclosure Form:

  • The landlord must disclose if he is aware that lead based paint and related hazards are present in the residents and are building included in the rental.
  • The landlord must provide sufficient records that support is disclosure of either there being any lead based paint or not.
  • The landlord has to acknowledge that he is obligated to disclose to any real estate agent about this disclosure of any known lead based paint in the premises that has to be rented.
  • The landlord must initial at the bottom of Section one.

What the tenant must acknowledge in this disclosure form:

  • The tenant must complete and initial both the points that are laid out in his section.
  • The tenant must acknowledge that he has read the information provided by the landlord and received copies of the reports records and any other reference materials stated above.
  • The tenant must also receive a pamphlet “protect your family from lead in your home”.

In the second section of the agent must acknowledge that he has ensured the landlord’s compliance under the residential resale lead based paint hazard act 1992.

In the final section titled certification of accuracy the landlord the tenant and the agents must all sign and acknowledge that they have reviewed the information provided by each party in the disclosure and certify that this information is accurate to the best of their knowledge. You can download this Arizona Lead Based Disclosure Form by clicking on the download link below.

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Arizona Lead Based Disclosure Form

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