Free Landlord Tenant Checklist | PDF | WORD

The following document is a landlord tenant checklist. This checklist is used to gauge an estimate the condition of the overall the rental unit, premises and any other furnishings and utilities that are provided to the tenant by the landlord and the a residential lease agreement. This landlord tenant checklist helps to keep a track of the condition of the furnishings and utilities and estimate a cost of repair or replacement of them.

What is this landlord tenant checklist?

  • In this landlord tenant checklist you have four columns in the first column you have the names of all the furnishings and utilities provided to the tenant.
  • Column two is where of the condition of the said furnishings and utilities is updated on the day of the arrival of the tenant to the said premises.
  • Column three is where the condition of these furnishings and utilities is engaged on the day of departure of the tenant from the residential premises.
  • Column for is where the estimated cost for repair or replacement of these furnishings and utilities must be entered.
  • The first column has a number of furnishings and utilities which covers a large area like:
    • The living room which consists of the floors and floor coverings, the drapes and window coverings, walls and ceilings, light fixtures, Windows, screens and those, front doors and locks, fireplaces.
    • The kitchen which consists of its flaws, floor coverings, walls, ceilings light fixtures, cabinets, counters, stove/oven, refrigerator, dishwasher, garbage disposal unit.
    • The dining room which consists of floors, walls, ceilings, light fixtures, Windows, screens in dollars.
    • Bathrooms, if more than one that is space provided for at least two parts the consequent columns.
    • The bathrooms consist of the usual fixings along with the bathtub, shower, sink and counters and the toilet.
    • The bedrooms also consist of the same fixtures and flows and floor coverings.
    • Next other miscellaneous utilities like the heating system, air conditioning, stairs and holidays, basement, parking area.
  • Next you have the furnishings provided by the landlord to the tenant the list of which is as follows:
    • In the living room that consists of coffee table, end tables, lamps, chairs, sofa.
    • In the kitchen you have the broiler pan, ice trays.
    • In the dining area you and chairs, stools, dining table.
    • The bathroom you have furnishings like the mirrors, shower curtains, hampers.
    • In bedrooms the furnishings list consists of beds single or double, chairs, chests, dressing tables, lamps, mirrors, night events.
    • And miscellaneous furnishings include bookcases, desks, pictures etc.
  • Next you have a large blank space that you can use to provide any other additional explanations for this landlord tenant checklist.

Both the landlord and the tenant agree that all the information provided in this landlord tenant checklist is accurate in satisfactory and this checklist can be used to gauge any charges for damages or repairs required to the said furnishings and utilities.

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Landlord Tenant Checklist

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